“But I trusted in your mercy; I will sing unto the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me.”

(Ps. 13:5-6)

Slam! The door of the Ark was shut, and there was no getting out of it – not that Noah and his family wanted out amidst the raging storms! After years working to build the Ark according to God’s specifications (Gen. 6:13-22), Noah was glad to see that it floated! “But, all of these animals! Will the ship stay afloat with all this weight?” he may have wondered!

The nerves of Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives, must have been on edge! The horrible screams of desperation from the drowning masses outside the Ark added to the noise of the hundreds of animals inside the ship! It was out of Noah’s hands, though! He and his family had obeyed God’s instructions. And “Thus did Noah according to all that God had commanded him – so did he!” (Gen. 6:22)
The only thing left to do was trust God and endure the ride upon the waves until dry land appeared!

Can we relate? Sometimes, we may reach a point here we have done all we can do and the only thing left is to surrender completely to God and trust that He will see us through whatever calamity we are facing! Ironically, it is at that point that God can accomplish some of His best work in us, (Philippians 2:13) if we will but allow Him to do so!

Then, when our storm is over, we may reflect in amazement at the working of His providence and care for us.

Is a storm raging in your life today? Depend upon your Heavenly Father for His love and protection while “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (I Pet. 5:7) Then you can “sing unto the Lord” and thank Him for His mercy!

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