About Us

What to Expect When You Visit Us

The church of Christ at Ripley is a friendly church.  The crowd ranges in age from babies to senior saints. God teaches that every soul is valuable. When you visit, you will meet people who – just like you – sincerely want to follow the teachings of the Bible and please God with their lives.

Our services generally open with a brief welcome from one of the members. The song leader then leads the congregation in several songs. The whole congregation sings a capella style, without mechanical instruments. 

When you visit our worship services, every effort is made to allow guests to feel welcome and comfortable. You will not be singled out during the service in any way. No one will ask you for money. The only collection that will be taken will be during Sunday morning services when our members make their weekly contribution as an act of worship.

During the Sunday morning service, the Lord’s Supper is also observed by partaking of unleavened bread and grape juice. During this time, we remember the sacrifice of Jesus and proclaim Him as our Savior.

During each service, prayers will be offered, and the preacher will deliver a sermon from the Bible.  At the end of the sermon, the Lord’s invitation is offered for anyone who wants to become a Christian or rededicate their life to God. 

The services last about an hour and conclude with prayer. You will notice; we consider the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and respect its authority. We turn to it as our guide for worship, church organization and practice, care for one another, teachings, and Godly living.

We place a great emphasis on Bible study and encourage everyone to participate in Sunday morning and Wednesday night Bible classes. We have Bible classes for all ages.

We Hope You Will Come Worship With Us

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